Public transport

Busos híbrids

In the exercise of its authorities in mobility and urban transport granted by the AMB Law during the period 2015-2019, remarkable actions were undertaken such as the launch of a stretch of L9 South line and L10 South line of the underground, the introduction of buses with different technological solutions to lower their environmental impact, and the deployment of the TMB's new bus network (NXB) and the new high-performance metropolitan bus network revolving around two services: AMB Exprés and AMB Metrobús.

In this period, the new metropolitan fare entered into force, which enables journeys among the 36 metropolitan municipalities to be taken with integrated one-zone or one-way tickets; the municipal T-verda (T-green) card was created to encourage the use of public transport and lower the impact of traffic on air pollution; and work was undertaken in conjunction with the town halls on issues like the installation of boarding platforms – a prior study was performed to evaluate the state of the network of bus stops, which enabled the actions to be prioritised. Work was also done to improve dynamic information by installing solar information panels and informative screens and monitors in facilities and buses.

Another field where there have been improvements is communication with users, such as with the AMB Mobility mobile app, which now has new functionalities, such as information on new mobility services. Likewise, the telephone and Internet information service was reinforced, along with the 010 telephone line, which are provided via AMB Information.
  • Main actions
    Law 31/2010 grants the AMB authorities on urban mobility and transport matters for services that regularly circulate around the metropolitan area. These authorities include the provision of bus and underground transport services, the promotion of sustainable transport and the organisation of the taxi service.

    Main actions on public transport matters in the period 2015-2019 include:

    • 710 million journeys/year in collective transport were managed, with an 8% growth in trips in the past 4 years. 
    • On 12 February 2016, the stretch between the airport and Zona Universitària went into service, called L9 South, and the towns of Barcelona, L'Hospitalet and El Prat de Llobregat and were connected with the Barcelona El Prat airport.
    • On 8 September 2018, the L10 South line went into service. The underground now reaches some of the last residential sectors of the city of Barcelona that previously had no access to the urban railway network.
    • 135 new buses which incorporate different technological solutions to lower their environmental impact were put into circulation, including the exclusive incorporation of hybrid and totally electric vehicles into the AMB's indirectly managed metropolitan bus lines. Articulated vehicles were also incorporated in order to improve capacity at this time when the demand is increasing so steeply.
    • Between 2015 and 2018, Transports de Barcelona, SA (TMB) purchased a total of 307 buses to renovate and expand the fleet, 151 of which are hybrids, 95 of which are propelled with CNG and 7 of which are electric. There are also 33 two-storey vehicles for the Bus Turístic.
    • 2018 was the year when the TMB's new bus network (NXB) was finally implemented, with 28 lines: 17 with vertical (N-S) routes, 8 horizontal and 3 diagonal.
    • In March 2018, the AMB started implementing the new high-performance metropolitan bus network, which revolves around two new bus services: the AMB Exprés service and the AMB Metrobús service.
      • The AMB Exprés, which has more direct routes and fewer stops, aims to increase the commercial speed.
      • The high-frequency AMB Metrobús lines, which come no less than every 10 minutes, run through the main metropolitan corridors with a high volume of public transport travellers.
    • On 1 January 2019, the new metropolitan fare entered into force, which enables passengers to travel with integrated one-zone or one-way tickets on journeys whose origin and destination are in one of the 36 metropolitan municipalities.
    • The Metropolitan T-verda was created, a transport ticket created on the initiative of the AMB and designed as a mechanism to encourage the use of public transport and lower the impact of traffic on air pollution in order to improve air quality by shrinking the older automobile fleet.
    • Throughout the period, 50 bus boarding platforms were installed in different municipalities within the AMB, with 50% financing from the corresponding town halls via agreements that define the tasks to be carried out by each administration. In 2018, a study was conducted to evaluate the state of the network of bus stops in the bus services indirectly managed by the AMB, which analysed a total of 2,957 stops and studied the environs around the stops such as the boarding area. With the results of this study, the actions needed to improve accessibility at the stops were prioritised.
    • To improve dynamic real-time information, more informative solar panels (ISPs) and information panels continued to be installed in the railway facilities and stations, along with monitors onboard buses.
    • The transport service for passengers with reduced mobility, AMB Mobility, was managed in conjunction with the town halls.
    • The AMB Mobility mobile app was improved. It is a tool which shows the wait times for metropolitan buses and the location of stops with new functionalities, such as a route planner, and new mobility services. Currently, information can be found on the bicycle-friendly network, the Bicing and Bicibox bike rental and parking stations, metropolitan park and ride car parks and other mobility services, such as multi-user vehicles.
    • The user information service via telephone, internet and the 010 metropolitan phone line were reinforced, which is provided via AMB Information.
    Transports de Barcelona, SA (TMB)
    New TMB bus network (NXB)
    New Express bus network
    Metropolitan T-verda
    AMB Mobility
    AMB Information
  • Bus

    The AMB manages the urban collective surface public transport system, which includes buses, a service which is provided with mixed management.

    Part of the service is directly managed through the public company Transports de Barcelona, SA, which is wholly owned by the AMB. This company provides the bus transport service in the municipality of Barcelona, although it also includes lines which serve 10 municipalities in the first metropolitan ring. In addition to managing the regular bus network, which is part of the integrated fare system, the AMB is also in charge of non-integrated services such as the Barcelona Bus Turístic.

    On the other hand, the AMB indirectly manages other bus lines via contracts with a series of private operating companies. With this system, it offers 20 municipalities a regular bus network that is part of the integrated fare system, along with several special services which are not integrated, such as the Aerobús to the airport and the Barcelona City Tour service.

    In 2018, the buses managed by the AMB transported almost 304 million travellers.

    Integrated fare system
    • Direct management - TMB Bus
      In 2018, the company owned by the AMB, Transports de Barcelona, SA, had a fleet of 1,140 vehicles which travelled a total of 41.15 million kilometres and transported 207.47 million travellers. The largest volume of this service comes from the services integrated into the regular bus network, with 202.91 million travellers in 2018. The non-integrated services, which include Barcelona Bus Turístic and el Tramvia Blau, transported 4.55 million travellers.

      Year Millions of travellers
      2015 187.79
      2016 195.8
      2017 202.05
      2018 207.47

      Year Integrated services Non-integrated services Sum
      2015 182.26 5.53 187.79
      2016 190.1 5.7 195.8
      2017 196.97 5.08 202.05
      2018 202.91 4.55 207.47
      Millions of travellers.

      AMB. Management and organisation. Data. Travellers in underground and bus services of the AMB

      Main actions on the bus network

      In 2015, a Bus Service Improvement Plan was launched, whose main features were a 7% increase in the bus network's transport capacity and the improvement in the interval between buses on weekdays, Saturdays and holidays in 37 lines: weekdays on lines 7-22-24-27-32-34-36-37-39-42-45-46-47-54-59-63-64-68-76-78-79-95-116-155-165-185-D20-H12-H6 and V7; Saturdays on lines 6-14-22-24-27-32-33-34-37-42-47-59-63-64-70-78-D20-H12-V7; and holidays on lines 7-14-24-32-33-34-37-39-40-46-59-64-D20.

      Furthermore, several major route extensions were implemented. They began on 9 February with a modification of line 79 through the Marina neighbourhood in Port de Barcelona and the Polígon Pedrosa in L'Hospitalet, and extensions on line 78 in the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gàmper, to Sant Joan Despí (24 March), on line 59 in Poblenou and on line 116 in the La Salut neighbourhood (both on 14 September).

      In 29 February 2016, three new lines in the new bus network started operating (one horizontal and two vertical):
      • H4: Zona Universitària – Bon Pastor
      • V11: Estació Marítima – Bonanova
      • V13: Drassanes – Av. Tibidabo
      On 18 September 2016, a new holiday service was launched on the neighbourhood lines which had been eliminated in 2012 (except for lines 111 and 116).

      One year later, on 13 November 2017, 4 new lines in the new bus network were launched (a diagonal one and 3 vertical ones), thus completing the 20 new lines in the new network:

      • D40: Plaça Espanya – Via Favència
      • V5: Mare de Déu del Port – Pedralbes
      • V29: Diagonal Mar – Roquetes
      • V31: Mar Bella – Trinitat Vella
      On the same day, the commercial service of two new local lines began: 136 (Passeig Marítim – Verneda) and 191 (Hospital de Sant Pau – Pl. Congrés).

      And on 2 October 2017, the first phase in the 2017-2018 Bus Service Improvement Plan was launched with the permanent incorporation of 22 buses in 18 lines in order to enhance the service. The Plan called for an increase of 43 more buses on workdays in 2 phases.

      In 2018, the new bus network (NXB) was completely deployed, made up of 28 lines: 17 vertical, 8 horizontal and 3 diagonal.

      With the implementation of the 8 remaining lines (3 in June and 5 in November), an overall network took shape whose main benefits are that it is simpler to use, has maximum wait times between buses of around 8 minutes on weekdays between 7 am and 9 pm, straighter routes, and buses have more priority, connectivity and intermodality.

      The 8 newly-created lines are:

      • D50: Paral·lel – Ciutat Meridiana
      • H2: Av. d'Esplugues – Trinitat Nova
      • V1: Gran Via l'Hospitalet – Av. d'Esplugues
      • V9: Poble-sec – Sarrià
      • V19: Barceloneta – Pl. Alfonso Comín
      • V23: Nova Icària – Can Marcet
      • V25: Nova Icària – Horta
      • V33: Fòrum Campus Besòs – Santa Coloma
      As expected, the implementation of this last phase has led to changes in some of the lines in the network:

      • 39 Pl. Urquinaona – Pl. Catalana: Shortening and new origin and destination. The part of the route through Horta was covered by the V23, and the part in Ciutat Vella by the V19.
      • 47 Pg. Marítim – Canyelles: Extension along Via Laietana while part of the route of line 45 was absorbed.
      • 54 Cardenal Reig – Estació del Nord: Limitation of the route on Cardenal Reig. Line V1 covers the route as far as Av. d'Esplugues.
      • 55 Pl. Urquinaona – Parc Montjuïc: New origin and destination. The route no longer included is covered by the V19 and 39.
      • 60 Vall d'Hebron – Besòs/Verneda: New origin and destination in Vall d'Hebron to avoid overlapping with the new H2 line as far as Av. d'Esplugues.
      • 45: No longer circulates and was replaced by V25 and 47.
      • 92: No longer circulates and was replaced by V19 and V23.
      • V15-V17 and 22: Exchange of routes.
      Improvements and adjustments were also made in lines H6, H8, H10 and V13 in previous phases. 

      Application of the second phase of the Quality Improvement Plan and the Participation Plan

      In order to meet the increasing demand for travel in recent years, along with the needs that have emerged in the debate and information processes, 44 buses were added to the service in November. Along with the 22 in October 2017, this meant an increase of 66 buses financed by the ATM and the Barcelona Town Hall.

    • Indirect management – AMB Metropolitan bus
      The different services that are indirectly managed and owned by the AMB had a fleet of 714 vehicles and 114 public bus transport lines in 2018. They ran a total of 40.05 million kilometres and transported 95.81 million travellers.

      Most of this service, that is, 110 lines and 87.14 million travellers, corresponds to integrated services. The non-integrated services (Barcelona City Tour and Aerobús) include 4 lines and have transported 8.66 million travellers per year.

      Annual evolution in the demand of public transport services of the AMB (metropolitan bus + Nitbus + BCT + Aerobús)

      Year BUS
      2015 83.06
      2016 86.6
      2017 89.96
      2018 95.8
      Millions of travellers

      The data show a considerable increase the number of passengers as a consequence of the gradual recovery from the economic crisis, the overall increase in journeys in general and improvements to the bus network. This recovery has led historical records on the number of travellers to be consecutively beaten during the 4 years of the mandate, within the framework of a clear improvement in the service.

      In the period 2015-2019, the following lines of actions can be highlighted:

      • Implementation of the AMB's new high-performance network (AMB Exprés and AMB Metrobús).
      • Modernisation and environmental retrofitting of the fleet by developing the Fleet Renovation Plan and purchasing hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as incorporating articulated vehicles to offer a higher capacity to cover the increase in demand in public transport. 
      • Development of the user information systems in real time, with the installation of walls of information screens powered by photovoltaic energy and the implementation of the AMB Mobility service which is accessible via mobile phones, tablets or the Internet. 
      • Service improvement actions to increase the geographic and time coverage in order to increase the frequency of buses. 
      • As part of the subsidised fares, expansion of the benefits of the T-16 card for youths up to age 16.
      • On 1 January 2019, the new metropolitan fare entered into force, which enables journeys whose origin and destination are in the 36 metropolitan municipalities to be taken with integrated one-zone or one-way ticket. This measure, which was approved in October 2018 by the administrations within the ATM consortium, the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona Town Hall and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) entailed putting all the municipalities in the metropolitan area of Barcelona on equal footing in terms of both rights and duties.

      AMB Exprés and AMB Metrobús
      AMB Mobility
      New metropolitan fare
      Government of Catalonia
      Barcelona Town Hall
    • The new high-performance metropolitan bus network AMB Exprés and AMB Metrobús
      In March 2018, the AMB started implementing the new high-performance metropolitan bus network, which revolves around 2 new bus services: AMB Exprés and the AMB Metrobús service. The new network will complement the current conventional network and facilitate more direct and frequent connections with the city centre and the most important metropolitan corridors.

      In the first days, starting in March 2018, 7 lines were launched: 4 AMB Exprés lines (E33, E43, E44 and E95) and 3 AMB Metrobús lines (M12, M27 and M28). The incorporation of these lines led to a noticeable increase in the number of users of the metropolitan bus service, with increases in demand between 10% and 30%.

      The second phase in the implementation of the new high-performance metropolitan bus network came in the first quarter of 2019, with a total of 13 new lines: 7 AMB Exprés lines (E30, E70, E79, E81, E86, E97 and E98) and 6 AMB Metrobús lines (M1, M6, M14, M19, M26 and M30).

      To implement the new high-performance metropolitan bus network, the AMB has a fleet of 230 vehicles, 25% of which are articulated and provide 30% higher capacity. Almost 100 are new low-emissions vehicles, either hybrid or electric.

      AMB Exprés and AMB Metrobús
    • Improvements and communication
      In addition to the implementation of the new high-performance metropolitan bus network (the new AMB Exprés and AMB Metrobús lines), other improvements were also made in the metropolitan bus service.


      • B30: Merger of lines B30 and B31, resulting in a longer B30 which stops more frequently (12 minutes). 
      • L94: Reinforcements in the summer months, with extra outings between Plaça d'Espanya and Castelldefels beach.
      • N16 and N17: Night-time reinforcements of the direct connection between Barcelona and the airport during the time brackets where the underground L9 line is not running.
      • B1: Improvement in bus frequency from 12 minutes to 10 minutes on workdays.
      • B27: Improvement in bus frequency on Saturdays and workdays in August, from 15 to 12 minutes.
      • L12 and L14: Reinforcements.
      • L85: Improvement in bus frequency between Gavà and Cornellà in morning and evening rush hours on workdays, from 30 to 15 minutes.
      • L79: Improvement in bus frequency in morning and evening rush hours on workdays, which expands the time bracket of circulation to a frequency of 10 minutes.
      • B30: Improvement in bus frequency in the early morning.
      • L70, L72, L74 and L75: Reinforced service on Saturdays.

      • B7: Merger of lines B7 and B44, resulting in a longer line which stops more frequently, every 20 minutes.
      • L82 and L85: Addition of reinforcements on Saturdays all year round and workdays in August.
      • N28: New line to reinforce the Nitbus Barcelonès Nord.
      • Addition of reinforcements on several lines of the Nitbus Barcelonès Nord.
      • B4, B15, B23, B24, B29: Addition of reinforcements in the summer.
      • B19: Addition of reinforcements on workdays all year round.
      • L94 i L95: Addition of reinforcements in the summer.
      • L12 i L14: Addition of reinforcements in August.
      • L70 i L72: Addition of reinforcements in August.
      • Ga1: Addition of reinforcements on summer holidays.
      • L30: New Mas Lluí - Parador (St. Just Desvern) line stopping every 20 minutes, coordinated with the L10.
      • B19: Addition of reinforcements to improve bus frequency from 15 to 12 minutes on workdays and from 30-35 to 20 minutes on Saturdays all year round and workdays in August.
      • B20: Addition of reinforcements to adapt the route to the TMB's new bus network.
      • B23: Addition of reinforcements to improve punctuality on workdays.
      • B25: Addition of reinforcements to improve bus frequency from 15 to 12 minutes and modification of the route to adapt it to the TMB's new bus network.
      • L97: Improvement in bus frequency (without taking into account the direct reinforcement routes) to 15 minutes all day long on workdays, Saturdays from 60 to 20 minutes and workdays in August from 30 to 20 minutes.

      • N18: Expanded calendar throughout the entire year.
      • L52: Extension to Sant Feliu / Sant Just.
      • EP1: Improvement in bus frequency.
      • L82 and L85: Improvement in bus frequency of passage.
      • B6 and B26: Improvement in bus frequency.
      • B20 and B25: Improvements in the route and bus frequency to adapt to the NXB Barcelona.
      • B5: New holiday service.
      • B23: Change and improvement in bus frequency.
      • B21: New line to adapt to the NXB of Barcelona.
      • Ga1: Extension of summer season (starts 1 June).
      • L99: Expansion of timetable covered.
      • L77: Extension of route to Gavà beach in July and August.
      • L79: Extension of service with 8 outings on Saturday and 4 on workdays in August.
      • B3: Modification of the route to adapt to the existing roads near the Badalona station.
      • B4: Modification of the route to adapt to the existing roads near the Badalona station, incorporation of an addition vehicle and adjustment of timetables on workdays, Saturdays and holidays.
      • B19: Reinforced timetable in summers, which improves bus frequency from 35 to 30 minutes.
      • B29: Reinforced timetable on Saturdays, workdays in August and holidays which improves bus frequency from 30 to 20 minutes (Saturdays and workdays in August) and from 35 to 30 minutes (holidays).
      • B20: Reinforced timetable on workdays, Saturdays and workdays in August, which improves bus frequency from 20 to 15 minutes (Mon.-Fri., workdays except August) and from 30 to 20 minutes (Saturdays and workdays in August).
      • B24: Timetable reinforcement which improves bus frequency from 15 to 12 minutes Mondays to Fridays workdays (except August) from 35 to 20 minutes Saturdays and from 35 to 30 minutes holidays. Modification of route to adapt to articulated vehicles in Badalona (Can Ruti and Joan d'Àustria) and in Barcelona (Sagrera area).
      • B30: Reinforcement with additional outings in morning and evening rush hour with a timetable adjustment to prevent traffic jams.
      • B81: Reinforcement with additional outings in morning rush hour. Reinforcement of the direct connection between Plaça de la Vila and Torribera.

      • L16: Improvement in bus frequency from 20 to 15 minutes on workdays (except August). Workdays August and Saturdays: improvement from 25 to 20 minutes.
      • SB4: New line with buses stopping every 20 minutes to offset the change in route of the L72 and not lose the direct connection with the Camps Blancs neighbourhood.
      • L72: Route change: Removal of Muntanyeta route.
      • SB1: Improved bus frequency from 15 to 12 minutes on workdays except August.
      • Ga1: Improved bus frequency from 30 to 20 minutes on workdays and Saturdays in the winter and from 45 to 30 minutes on holidays in the winter.
      • L96: Improved bus frequency from 15 to 12 minutes. Holidays in the winter now have the same timetable as Saturdays in winter.
      • L30: Extension of the route to Barcelona (Illa Diagonal) while keeping bus frequency.
      • B15: Modification of the route towards Montigalà, which runs along Carrer Monturiol instead of Av. Santa Rosa.
      • B18: Timetable reinforcement Monday to Saturdays, while improving bus frequency from 40 to 30 minutes and adjusting the route to adapt to the roads.
      • B35: Increase of one outing early workday mornings between Tiana and Montgat to allow Tiana students access to the Montgat schools.
      • B82: Expansion of the timetable coverage by going from a service on mornings from 9 am to 3:30 pm to a new time coverage of 7 am to 8:30 pm, plus expanded timetable on Saturdays.
    • Actions at stops, accessibility and improved user information
      Throughout the period, 50 bus boarding platforms were installed in different municipalities within the AMB, with 50% financing from the corresponding town halls via agreements that define the tasks to be carried out by each administration. In 2018, a study was conducted to evaluate the state of the network of bus stops in the bus services indirectly managed by the AMB, which analysed a total of 2,957 stops and studied the environs around the stops, such as the boarding area. With the results of this study, the actions needed to improve accessibility at the stops were prioritised.

      In addition, to improve dynamic real-time information provided to travellers, throughout the period the system to provide information in real time were improved, and 9 covered stands with screens, 6 screens on existing stands and 32 informative solar panels (ISPs) AMB model were installed in the sphere of action of the Nitbus service in the southern part of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. In order to improve the information provided to travellers inside the buses, monitors were installed to provide information on the sequence of stops on a line and the different intermodal options with other means of transport near where the bus it at any given time.

      With the goal of encouraging intermodal transport among the different means of public transport, 8 monitors in facilities like hospitals have been installed, and especially in FGC and Renfe railway stations.
    • Renovation of the AMB's metropolitan bus fleet

      The ongoing renovation of the fleet of buses enables high quality standards to be maintained in terms of modernisation and maintenance of the average age of the fleet. On 31 December 2018, the average age of the buses indirectly managed services was 9.33 years.

      Another noteworthy aspect of the renovation of the fleet is the improvement of its environmental impact, since the new buses incorporate higher standards in terms of the emission of pollutants (Euro V, EEV and Euro VI). Likewise, the introduction of hybrid or 100% electric vehicles has the twofold effect of lowering the consumption of non-renewable energy sources and lowering emissions of polluting gases.

      Fleet by age Less than 3 years 3 to 6 years 6 to 10 years 10 to 14 years More than 14 years
      Indirect management 0.80% 18.30% 32.40% 43.40% 5.00%

      With regard to Transports de Barcelona, SA, between 2015 and 2018 a total of 307 buses were bought to renew and expand the fleet, 151 of which are hybrids, 95 propelled with CNG and 7 electric. There are also 33 two-storey vehicles for the Bus Turístic.

      DATA ON THE FLEET ON 31 DECEMBER 2018 Number of vehicles
      Standard buses: 624
      Propelled with gasoil: 204
      Propelled with CNG: 251
      Hybrids with diesel and electric motor: 154
      Hybrids with CNG and electric motor: 13
      Propelled only with electric motor: 2
      Articulated buses: 364
      Propelled with gasoil: 94
      Propelled with CNG: 132
      Hybrids with diesel and electric motor: 131
      Propelled only with electric motor: 7
      Autobusos de 2 pisos : 77
      Propelled with gasoil: 69
      Hybrids with diesel and electric motor: 8
      Minibuses (propelled with gasoil): 52
      Midibuses (propelled with gasoil): 20
      Bi-articulated buses (hybrids with diesel and electric motor): 3
      TOTAL FLEET 1.140
      Buses propelled with gasoil: 439
      Buses propelled with CNG: 383
      Hybrid buses: 309
      Hybrids with diesel and electric motor: 296
      Hybrids with CNG and electric motor: 13
      Buses propelled with electric motor: 9
      TOTAL FLEET 1.140

      In the services that were indirectly managed during the mandate, the Rolling Stock Renovation Plan 2018-2019 was approved and is currently being implemented. Specifically, 137 vehicles are being renovated, 112 which are hybrids and another 25 of which run on pure electrical energy. Among these vehicles, some articulated models have been added which substantially improve the fleet's capacity. 

      Hybrid and electric buses

      The incorporation of hybrid vehicles (diesel and electric or gas and electric) and electric vehicles reflects the AMB's commitment to preserving the environment. The reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels by around 25% in hybrid vehicles and 100% in electric vehicles has beneficial effects from the standpoint of both not using non-renewable fuels and the consequent reduction in polluting emissions.

      In the indirectly managed services (AMB's Metropolitan bus), hybrid vehicles have continued to be added until reaching a total of 19 units, 2.7% of the fleet, as well as one electric vehicle. However, it should be borne in mind that the Fleet Renovation Plan will be carried out with hybrid and electric vehicles, so this type of vehicle will account for a much larger proportion of the total fleet.

      Of these 137 vehicles acquired by the AMB in 2018, 112 are hybrids and 25 are totally electric. Specifically, of the hybrids there are 8 midis (between 9.5 and 10.5 metres), 52 are standard and 43 are articulated buses. The latter serve the lines with the heaviest demand, since they have the capacity to hold 30% more passengers than a standard bus. The electric buses are all in standard format.

      Micro Midi Standard 15m/Articulated Two-storey
      Indirect management  3.20% 24.40% 62.50% 4.30% 5.60%

      These vehicles are gradually being incorporated to the metropolitan bus fleet during the first few months of 2019 in order to cover both high-performance bus services (AMB Exprés and AMB Metrobús) and the remaining conventional network of urban and metropolitan lines and the Nitbus service. Electric buses will primarily be used for night-time services. 

    • Quality
      In 2007, the Metropolitan Transport Entity became the first public administration in all of Spain to earn the quality certificate in public transport for travellers from AENOR (Spanish Normalisation and Certification Association), in line with the European UNE-EN 13816 norm. During the period 2015-2018, the AMB's Directorate of Mobility and Transport has constantly verified the quality level of the services provided via indirect management, always in line with AENOR's safety and health criteria.

      Client Satisfaction Rate (ISC)

      This measures the users' perceived quality. It comes from surveys of bus service users. In the period 2015-2018, a total of 26,130 surveys were completed.

      Gràfic Evolució de la nota de satisfacció global del servei de Bus i Metro

      Client satisfaction rate Direct rating of the service
      2012 73.72 7.61
      2013 76.03 7.95
      2014 73.39 7.75
      2015 74.95 7.86
      2016 76.66 7.88
      2017 77.48 7.95
      2018 77.75 8.08

      Punctuality Rating (IP)

      This measures fulfilment of the scheduled stop times. It is calculated by analysing the stop times recorded per stop. In the period 2015-2018, a total of 19.3 million records of stop times per stop were obtained.

      2012 75.71
      2013 80.53
      2014 86.22
      2015 86.34
      2016 86.04
      2017 87.13
      2018 86.46

      Bus Quality Rating (IQA)

      This measures the observable quality inside and outside the bus. It comes from the vehicle checks using the undercover client technique. In the period 2015-2018, a total of 4,935 vehicle checks were conducted.

      2012 98.25
      2013 98.74
      2014 98.95
      2015 98.77
      2016 98.46
      2017 98.25
      2018 97.98

      Stop Quality Rating (IQP)

      This evaluates different aspects of the quality of stops, such as information, maintenance, cleanliness and location. In the period 2015-2018, a total of 25,588 stop evaluations were conducted.

      Service Provision Quality Rating (QPS)

      This measures different aspects of the quality of the special Aerobús service, such as queues, crowding or seated travellers, through indicators recorded via in situ observations. In the period 2015-2018, a total of 292 checks were conducted.

      The result of this field work has helped determine the economic incentives or penalties at the closure of management contracts with the different companies operating the indirectly managed services. Thus, in all contracts, the consideration of quality is based on the awardee company's commitment to meeting a minimum level for each of the indicators established.

      The work conducted by the AMB's Directorate of Mobility and Transport in terms of checking the quality of the service provided by operators of indirectly managed services was certified by AENOR by granting the AENOR N label for a certified public transport service for travellers.

      Assessment of directly managed buses by clients:

      The mean score earned in the study of client satisfaction in 2018 reached a new peak of 7.88 points on a scale of 0 to 10.
  • Underground
    One of the AMB's authorities recognised in Law 31.2010 is to provide the underground public transport service for travellers.

    By the end of the period 2015-2018, the underground service had 8 lines, which are joined by the funicular of Montjuïc, making up a network 121.4 km long, primarily located in the municipality of Barcelona but also connecting seven more municipalities in the first metropolitan ring (Badalona, Cornellà de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Montcada and Reixac, Sant Adrià de Besòs and Santa Coloma de Gramenet). The underground service has 158 stations, including the funicular of Montjuïc station, and 142 of them are adapted to individuals with reduced mobility (IRM), accounting for 91% of the total.

    The production of the service reached 94.36 million car-km, with a total of 1.5644 billion travellers for the period 2015-2018.

    Data on 31 December 2018:

    • Number of lines: 8 lines (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L11, L9/10 North, L9/10 South) plus the funicular of Montjuïc
    • Length of the network: 121.4 km (including the funicular of Montjuïc)
    • Number of stations: 158 (including the funicular of Montjuïc)
    • Number of adapted stations: 142 adapted to IRM (not including the funicular of Montjuïc). The adapted stations account for 91% of the entire underground (not including the funicular of Montjuïc)
    • Cars-km travelled: 94.36 million
    • Improvements and communication
      During this period, work continued on the TMB's goal of making the underground totally accessible:

      • 2015: The stations of Poble Sec on L3 and Rambla Just Oliveras on L1 were adapted to IRM.
      • 2016: The stations of Poblenou on L4, Collblanc (L5) and Zona Universitària (L3) were adapted to IRM, the latter two within the actions to launch the L9 South service. On 12 February 2016, the southern part of L9 was opened with 15 adapted stations.
      • 2017: Installation of a new escalator at the entrance to the Barceloneta station (L4) and replacement of the escalator at the Fondo station (L1), entrance on Carrer Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer, for a new and less steep one, which enabled the stone staircase on the upper landing to be eliminated and improved the station's accessibility.
      • 2018: Launch into service of two new adapted stations on the L10 South, Foc and Foneria, meaning that 91% of the network of stations are adapted to IRM. Two stations were under construction, Jaume and Vallcarca, and 12 stations were being designed: Ciutadella-Vila Olímpica (L4), the interchangers at Verdaguer (L4 and L5), Clot (L1), Maragall (L4 and L5), Plaça de Sants (L1 and L5), Espanya (L1 and L3) and Urquinaona (L1 and L4).
      The new average earned from the client satisfaction study in 2018 reached a new peak in the underground network of 7.73 points on a scale from 0 to 10.

      On the other hand, transport is one of the services in which the AMB has a discount system: the subsidised fare system, whose goal is to provide access to the metropolitan transport services within the first metropolitan ring – underground, bus, streetcars and FGC local train lines – to the elderly or individuals with functional diversity or few economic resources.

      The beneficiaries of the subsidised fare system can access the following transport passes:
      • Free metropolitan Targeta rosa ("pink card").
      • Reduced fare metropolitan Targeta rosa ("pink card"): This enables them to buy the integrated T4 card with 10 journeys.
      • Metropolitan companion pass: This allows a companion to use the transport services without having to purchase a ticket.
      The status of a beneficiary of the subsidised fare system is still earned monthly, such that each month an average of 1,700 persons joined the system. The evolution in the number of working cards during this period shows the efficacy of the system as a stimulus for the elderly to participate in citizen life and as an integrative element for individuals with functional diversity.

      The new average earned from the client satisfaction study in 2018 reached a new peak in the underground network of 7.73 points on a scale from 0 to 10.

      Subsidised fare system
      Free metropolitan Targeta rosa ("pink card")
      Metropolitan companion pass
    • Beneficiaries of the subsidised fare system
      Beneficiaries of the subsidised fare system 2015 2016 2017
      Free Targeta rosa ("pink card") 183,098 186,230 182,914
      Reduced fare Targeta rosa ("pink card") 219,041 221,023 221,215
      Companion pass 12,876 14,599 15,404
      TOTAL 415,015 421,852 419,533

      In the period 2015-2018, the AMB continued managing the Clearinghouse of the T4 multi-journey passes among the different operating companies, with a total operating volume worth 70.5 million euros during this period.

      The Municipal Ordinance on Subsidised Fares stipulates 65 as the minimum age to access the subsidised fare system. However, in the period 2015-2018, the AMB has continued to renew and sign different agreements with the metropolitan town halls to extend the benefits of the subsidised fare system to people under this age, in some cases setting 60 as the minimum age. Specifically, it has agreements with the town halls of Badalona, Barcelona, Castelldefels, Cornellà de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, Gavà, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Montgat, Sant Adrià de Besòs, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sant Feliu de Llobregat (only in 2015), Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Tiana and Viladecans.

      Not only do the elderly benefit from the AMB fare discounts, so do young people via the T-16, which was created by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) and is managed and distributed by the AMB. This transport ticket provides young people aged 4 to 16 with access to metropolitan transport services in the integrated fare system, within the fare zone where they live, free of charge and with no limitations on the number of journeys or on times.

      In December 2016, the expansion of the age range was approved so that youths aged 14 to 16 could also benefit. During the period 2015-2018, approximately 155,000 youths living in the metropolitan area of Barcelona requested the benefits of this transport ticket, and this figure is expected to rise to 173,000 by the time the mandate ends in May 2019.

      Beneficiaries of the T-16 card

      Municipipality 2015 2016 2017
      Badalona 8,536 11,022 12,564
      Barcelona 81,965 103,213 112,504
      Castelldefels 1,149 1,514 1,926
      Cornellà de Llobregat 3,882 5,002 5,579
      El Prat de Llobregat 1,376 2,158 2,743
      Esplugues de Llobregat 1,716 2,359 2,726
      Gavà 607 839 1,115
      L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 10,150 13,303 14,781
      Montcada i Reixac 1,070 1,410 1,609
      Montgat 504 661 784
      Sant Adrià de Besòs 1,294 1,660 1,921
      Sant Boi de Llobregat 2,236 2,983 3,664
      Sant Feliu de Llobregat 975 1,327 1,738
      Sant Joan Despí 1,834 2,420 2,853
      Sant Just Desvern 567 816 1,048
      Santa Coloma de Gramenet 4,043 5,411 6,279
      Tiana 246 408 477
      Viladecans 1,155 1,488 1,832
      TOTAL 123,305 157,994 176,143

      During this period, and with its sights set on environmental improvements, the AMB has also created the T-verda (T-green) metropolitan card, an initiative of the AMB which consists in a free public transport pass lasting three years that is valid in 6 fare zones. People registered as residents within the AMB who have turned in and scrapped a polluting vehicle, have not purchased any vehicle in the past 6 months and pledge not to purchase any other during the period when this card is valid are eligible for it.

      Clearinghouse of the multi-journey T4 pass
      Metropolitan T-verda
  • Taxi
    During the current mandate, the IMET has incorporated into the regulations a set of rules geared at working towards an overall improvement in the taxi service in order to reach appropriate margins of competitiveness compared to the other transport models available in the metropolitan area today.

    An in-depth reform was made of the requirements to authorise vehicles that could be part of the taxi fleet, in which accessibility and user and taxi driver comfort prevail as a guarantee of the quality of the service, and more importantly the use of clean, sustainable energies. At the same time, the regulatory rules applied to vehicles and taxi licenses were updated with the goal of maintaining and guaranteeing a taxi fleet model which meets citizens' requirements and needs.

    In a mandate marked by conflicts between taxis, ride-hailing companies and the use of disruptive apps, the AMB has worked hard to come up with regulations that define the limits of action of ride-hailing companies in the metropolitan area and ensure that the current regulations on taxi services are respected. Joint work with organisations in the sector has enabled progress to be made towards applying regulatory measures of the service with the consensus and active participation of all the parties involved.

    Over these years, the synergies needed to improve the spaces that taxis need in the metropolitan municipalities and ensure accessible service for users were established, without forgetting the commitment to respect the sustainable city model pursued. 

    • Regulatory changes to improve quality
      In the period 2015-2019, IMET has continued working to improve the overall quality of the service by applying a series of regulatory changes:

      • Establishment of the requirement to have a bank card reader to pay for a taxi service.
      • Regulation of drivers' clothing to improve the image of the sector.
      • Regulatory harmonisation for the access, validity and renewal of the taxi driver's credentials with the measures that replaced the BTP with a B driving license.
      • Promotion of the regulatory changes so that more vehicles adapted to transport individuals with reduce mobility (IRM) apply for taxi licenses.
    • Modernisation of the taxi fleet
      One of the main aspects in improving the service is updating the vehicle fleet, and to this end the following actions were taken:

      • Establishment of the maximum age of vehicles applying for a taxi license at 10 years from the first registration, and 14 for vehicles adapted to transport individuals with reduce mobility and vehicles with a 0 sticker.
      • Constant updating of the fleet, as reflected in the figures of vehicles registered during this period: 5,995 new and 306 used vehicles.
      • Ban on diesel vehicles applying for taxi licenses after January 2019.
      • Continued work on behalf of quality, the level of demand and fulfilment of the metropolitan revisions while overseeing the state of conservation of the vehicles and tracking compliance with the requirements stipulated.
      • Expansion to 42% of the fleet of taxis with clean energies in circulation.
      • In 2016, IMET received the Quality Seal from the Government of Catalonia for the fleet of low-emissions taxis. 
      Gràfic Parc de taxis i fonts d'energia 2019
    • Close cooperation with organisations in the sector
      Throughout the period 2015-2019, IMET has worked constantly with the organisations in the sector via consensus on measures and improving specific aspects of taxi divers' work. The agreements reached have allowed the following actions:

      • In May 2016, a consultation with the sector was announced with the goal of renewing the representativeness of the associations in the sector for the purposes of their relationship with IMET.
      • The service was liberalised at key times of taxi demand such as weekends and major events (Mobile World Congress, Primavera Sound, Sónar, etc.) with the consensus of the representative organisations.
      • Periodic meetings were held to adapt the different spaces meant for the taxi service in cities with the active participation of organisations in the sector, and particularly with the head of Mobility from the Barcelona Town Hall.
      • We worked with AENA and the taxi representatives to improve the conditions and taxi queue systems in the zones set up for this purpose in the two terminals in the Barcelona airport.
      • A closed fare which is applicable via mobile apps of intermediary companies that already operate in the taxi sector was approved as the first measure to emerge from the study and analysis of a future simplified fare structure.
      • We participated in periodic meetings of the Taxi Council.
      • Finally, defibrillators were installed in the taxi queue areas in terminals 1 and 2 of the Barcelona airport.
      Taxi Council
    • Taxis and ride-hailing companies
      IMET has intervened in the discrepancies between taxis and ride-hailing companies by organising and participating in meetings with representatives of the sector and the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia. In this context:
      • Specific meetings were held with the representatives of the sector to discuss the problem of taxis and ride-hailing companies with regard to the 1/30 proportion.
      • There was active participation in the meetings and initiatives spearheaded by the AMB to approve a regulatory norm that stipulates the conditions for operating a ride-hailing company in the metropolitan area.
      • We worked with the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia with the goal of defining the regulatory aspects of the provision of ride-hailing services in the metropolitan area based on approval of the Spanish Royal Decree Law, which amends the Law Regulating Land Transports on this matter.
      Law Regulating Land Transports
    • Information for users and taxi drivers

      During this period, we worked with digital platforms with the goal of providing users of the service with better information. To this end, we promoted IMET's participation in the social media by opening the Twitter account @AMBtaxi.

      Furthermore, the ‘Taxi al Dia' notification app was created for working taxi drivers, an obligatory tool via which IMET reports on new regulations and daily events of interest with regard to the taxi demand. Ever since it was implemented in 2018, ‘Taxi al Dia' has generated more than 900 messages.

      Likewise, new tactile information points were installed in the airport terminals which inform passengers on the approximate prices of a taxi route.

      Twitter @AMBtaxi
      Taxi al Dia
    • More inspections and rigour in disciplinary actions
      IMET has intensified its checks and inspections in the main taxi demand points (airport, port, Sants train station). At the same time, it has scheduled night-time inspections along with the Barcelona Urban Guard to avoid illegal and poor practices.

      In terms of disciplinary actions, 13 professional taxi driver credentials were allowed to expire because of systematic infringements of the Metropolitan Taxi Regulation, and the expiration of 5 taxi driver licenses was resolved due to noncompliance with the essential operating conditions applicable in the Metropolitan Taxi Regulation.

      Promoting sustainable mobility

      IMET has worked in conjunction with the mobility departments in the town halls to maintain the network of stops and spearhead projects to make taxis more accessible to citizens and rationalise their mobility. The following were made possible within this cooperation:

      • The signage for 41 new taxi stands, 38 in Barcelona and 3 in other municipalities.
      • The start of a project to implement a new taxi stand model (micro-stands) in the Poblenou area and the left side of the Eixample district with the goal of ultimately spreading them to other points around the metropolitan area.
      • Adapting the taxi stands to serve the Fira Gran Via premises.
      • Planning a lane exclusively for taxis in order to serve major events like the Mobile World Congress more quickly.
      • Improving the signage in the taxi pick-up and drop-off areas at the taxi stand at Sants train station to properly meet the demand for taxis and improve the organisation of the zone.

      Metropolitan Taxi Regulation
    • Access to taxi activity
      In the period 2015-2019, a total of 10,170 people have registered to take the tests to earn taxi driver credentials, 8,982 of whom sat for the exam and 3,164 of whom passed. The IT apps to monitor and conduct the tests to earn taxi driver credentials were also improved. 

      Tests to earn taxi driver credentials
    • Training actions
      IMET has scheduled training courses targeted at the following groups:

      • For the Mossos d'Esquadra local police force in different metropolitan cities, to share the taxi regulations.
      • For professional taxi drivers, to introduce English as a tool to support their work. The classes, all of them online, were organised in conjunction with Barcelona Activa and Turisme de Barcelona, and 2,000 taxi drivers have participated in the three courses scheduled.
    • Communication, promotion and publicity
      IMET has worked on different fronts to improve the promotion of the taxi service and institutional communication to taxi drivers and users of the service. The actions it has carried out include:

      • Spearheading the campaign to promote the use of taxis in the metropolitan municipalities via urban props and banners.
      • Organising workshops to promote knowledge and use of taxis at primary schools in the metropolitan area.
      • Participating in the 2015 and 2017 editions of Taxi Fair, with our own stands, and in the informative workshops promoted around the event.

      Likewise, 54 advertising campaigns inside taxis have been authorised in recent years, 120 on the doors and 69 on the roofs.

      Taxi Congress
    • Solidarity and taxi
      IMET has supported solidarity campaigns spearheaded by the volunteer taxi drivers at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and the female taxi drivers from CrisTaxi, who work with the Cris Cancer Research Foundation. 

      Volunteer taxi drivers at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
      Female taxi drivers from CrisTaxi