
Ronda de Dalt a l'alçada de Collserola


The development of the Special Plan to Protect the Environment and Landscape of the Parc de Collserola has been a prominent feature in infrastructure management over the past four years, as was securing the participation of the governing bodies of different consortia, including the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat, the Parc de Collserola, the Serralada Litoral, the Parc de la Marina and the Espais Naturals del Delta. There has been a shift in perspective on the green infrastructure in the region with the goal of reconnecting ecosystems and improving their biodiversity. The programme to improve industrial estates, in which the AMB finances up to 70 % of the projects, has had an economic impact of more than 47 million euros, 30 million of which has been supplied by the AMB. Furthermore, over the past four years 35.4 million euros have been earmarked to maintain the ring roads, a responsibility assigned by law to the AMB.

One of the backbones of the metropolitan region is the construction and management of its infrastructures. In this sphere, the AMB undertakes steadfast actions via direct management as well as by assisting the municipalities in the exercise of their authorities and monitoring the other administrations involved in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.

With the goal of contributing to improving citizens' living conditions, the AMB has developed the Special Plan to Protect the Environment and Landscape of the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola (PEPNat), as well as the Specific Amendment of the General Metropolitan Plan accompanying it (MPGMCo); it has carried out maintenance actions of the Llobregat River; it has conducted improvements of all the metropolitan river areas; and it has participated in the governing bodies of different organisations (Parc de Collserola, Parc Agrari, Serralada Litoral, Serralada de Marina and Espais Naturals del Delta).

One of the key pieces in metropolitan mobility are the Barcelona ring roads. The AMB is responsible for their ordinary conservation and maintenance. During the period 2015-2019, it has undertaken these tasks, just as it has done continuously since January 2012.
  • Green infrastructure

    The metropolitan area of Barcelona is a region where more than 3.2 million people live. The 636 km² comprising this region is occupied by a large number of urban settlements of all kinds, as well as by a dense network of infrastructures and essential services designed to make the metropolitan area inhabitable. However, they also have a profound impact on the region, such as the fragmentation of open spaces, the lack of accessibility of unoccupied lands and serious environmental alternations.

    Yet this eminently urban region, which is densely occupied and populated, maintains a system of open spaces which occupy more than 52 % of the entire area and boast enormous environmental, productive and social values which benefit all citizens. In reality, it is one of the metropolitan areas with the most green spaces in Europe, a city of cities where city and nature both play an important role.

    Enormous environmental, social and economic wealth

    The Metropolitan region is made up of spaces of enormous environmental and social wealth, and in certain cases economic wealth as well, such as the Collserola and Garraf-Ordal natural parks, the Parc de la Serralada de Marina, the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat and other agricultural spaces, the protected areas in the delta of the Llobregat and Besòs Rivers, streams and beaches. Alongside these areas are the more urban green spaces such as the streets, parks, squares, urban agriculture elements, rooftop gardens and balconies which are part of the urban and periurban fabric.

    All these spaces comprise the green infrastructure of the metropolitan area of Barcelona, which has a vast ecological and landscape wealth containing more than 60 different habitats, and where more than 5,300 species live, all of which are important for its ecology. These are important spaces for free time activities, such as walking, bicycling or cultural activities, and for production, primarily fresh local products in the  5,400 hectares of metropolitan agricultural lands, as well as biomass and other secondary forest products.

    The name green infrastructure applies to the set of spaces made up of a wide range of interrelated environmental elements which form interconnected ecosystems. In this last mandate, the focus was on the region, and it was reoriented to connect the ecosystems to improve their biodiversity. 

    Green economy

    One of the transversal objectives of the 2015-2019 Metropolitan Action Plan, in both actions within the sphere of Economic Development and Territory, has been to develop public policies for a green economy based on local, ecological agriculture, the circular economy, energy savings and efficiency and renewable energies, and particularly to ensure that the ecosystem services associated with the different elements of the metropolitan green infrastructure are maintained and promoted.

    This shift in perspective on the region seeks to meet the challenge of whether the open spaces – spaces laden with identity values and ecosystem services (supply, support and culture) – are able to structure the metropolitan area and whether the green infrastructure can become a true element articulating metropolitan transformations.

    The response to this challenge has come via different instruments: the Plan, which has steadfastly adopted the strategy of reinforcing the green infrastructure when the PDU was drawn up; the Action Programme in Natural and Urban Landscapes (PSG), which is earmarked 15 million euros and whose goal is to invest in metropolitan river areas, recover degraded zones and integrate infrastructures; maintenance actions on the Llobregat, Besòs and Ripoll Rivers; and even the creation of a specific Green Infrastructure Service within the Directorate of Services.
    • Management
      Within the objectives of the governing mandate via the Metropolitan Action Plan, the stress was placed on fulfilling the commitments established with the "participation in the regional management organisations, such as the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola Consortium and the Consorci del Parc de la Serralada de Marina, and to establish the AMB's participation in the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat" and "to foster regional models that increase the region's resilience to natural disturbances by stimulating farming activities", as in the Muntanyes del Baix Llobregat.

      • Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat Consortium
      The Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat is the most important agricultural production zone in the metropolitan area, which contributes to the food sovereignty of its more than 3 million inhabitants. It, the Parc Natural de Collserola and the Delta del Llobregat are the most important natural spaces in the metropolitan area.

      On 30 May 2017, the Governing Board of the Metropolitan Area adopted the agreement to ask the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat Consortium to allow the Barcelona Metropolitan Area to join the Consortium with the goal of creating a stable institutional partnership by contributing specialised services to this part of the metropolitan green infrastructure on issues related to regional management, mobility, economic promotion and river spaces. Once it joined the structure of the Consortium, the AMB will provide technical and economic collaboration on the environmental aspects of the Parc Agrari related to its authorities, such as the maintenance and improvement of hydraulic, watering and drainage installations.

      As the administration with authorities on urban planning in the metropolitan area and on other issues, such as the construction of infrastructures and management of the comprehensive water cycle, the AMB would become a key actor in the management of this economic area specialising in food production. Likewise, it would spearhead the economic promotion of agricultural products produced in the zone by taking advantage of the potential of the municipal market network in the region in order to encourage local consumption.

      The Plenary Council of the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat Consortium held on 7 November 2017 approved the resolution to accept the Metropolitan Area's request to join the consortium, conditioned upon approval of the agreement that regulates the membership conditions and monetary contribution of the AMB, as well as the consequent amendment of the consortium's bylaws.

      This amendment of the consortium's bylaws required a period of time to be approved. Thus, in 2018 the framework partnership agreement between the Consortium and the AMB was signed for the development of agrarian infrastructures within the Parc Agrari. The Barcelona Metropolitan Area contributed 110,000 euros to the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat Consortium for its 2018 Working Plan, which was used to conduct actions to improve the network of roads in the towns of Sant Feliu, Viladecans and El Papiol; maintenance and improvement actions in streams in Santa Coloma de Cervelló and Sant Boi; improvements in the drainage in Viladecans and El Prat de Llobregat; and the creation of a horticultural testing area in Viladecans.

      In the first quarter of 2019, the addendum corresponding to 2019 was approved, with the AMB slated to contribute 250,000 euros.
      • Parc Natural de Collserola Consortium
      During the mandate, the plenaries of different consortia adopted agreements to approve the amendment proposed by the Consortium in 2014 to adapt its bylaws to the provisions of Law 27/2013 on the Rationalisation and Sustainability of the Local Administration (LRSAL), dated 27 December 2013. The basic purpose of this amendment in the bylaws was to identify the affiliated public administration – which was approved to be the Barcelona Metropolitan Area – and to outline the authorities.

      Through an agreement of the Executive Committee of the Government of Catalonia dated 26 June 2018, the amendment of the bylaws of the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola Consortium was approved along with its recast text, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia. The document approved by the Government of Catalonia incorporates several variations compared to the text initially approved by the Consortium and several town halls, so the Assembly of the Consortium approved a new recast text of the bylaws on 4 July of last year.

      • Consortium for the Protection and Management of the Natural Spaces of the Delta del Llobregat
      On 27 November 2018, the Metropolitan Council of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area approved the agreement to allow the Barcelona Metropolitan Area to join the Consortium for the Protection and Management of the Natural Spaces of the Delta del Llobregat.

      The natural spaces of the Delta del Llobregat are the green lungs of the metropolitan area of Barcelona inserted within the agricultural zone of the Delta del Llobregat. In fact, there is no other large metropolitan area in the Mediterranean with such important wetlands at its doorway.

      The natural spaces of the Delta del Llobregat are one of the most important zones in Catalonia in terms of environmental education and research.

      The Consortium for the Protection and Management of the Natural Spaces of the Delta del Llobregat was created in May 2005 to guarantee the management and protection of the natural spaces of the Delta del Llobregat. It is comprised of the Government of Catalonia and the town halls of Prat de Llobregat, Viladecans, Gavà and Sant Boi de Llobregat;  it is a network of protected spaces falling within these four municipalities.

      The purpose of the Consortium is to intervene in the specially protected spaces in the Delta del Llobregat. Its main tasks are to manage and preserve the biodiversity of the habitats of natural interest, including wetlands, dune zones and coastal pine groves growing atop dunes, as well as the different plant and animal species that live there; to study and disseminate the natural assets and landscape of the Delta del Llobregat; and to continuously improve the opportunities for public and educational use of the natural environment, always in a way that is compatible with conservation.

      Since 2012, the AMB has actively participated in the management of the metropolitan stretch of the Llobregat River by designing and executing regional projects and programmes.

      The Llobregat River is also a key piece within the metropolitan green infrastructure where the AMB acts quite intensely within its authorities.

      With the goal of providing its global vision, the AMB has asked to join the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat Consortium as part of its strategy to participate in the management of all the natural, open spaces in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.
      • Parc de Serralada de Marina Consortium
      The Parc de la Serralada de Marina Consortium is an associative, institutional local public consortium. Its purpose is to plan, develop and manage the park. It is comprised of the Barcelona Provincial Council, the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the town halls of Badalona, Montcada i Reixac, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Tiana and Sant Fost de Campsentelles. The Barcelona Metropolitan Area earmarks approximately €700,000 to this Consortium per year.

      • Muntanyes del Baix Llobregat

      The geographic region of the Muntanyes del Baix Llobregat is located on the surface of agro-forest land measuring around 27,480 hectares which is constantly forming between the edges of the Parc Natural del Garraf, the urban nuclei on the western delta in the lower Llobregat valley and the crests separating the basins of Anoia and the Llobregat.

      The municipalities included within the Muntanyes del Baix Llobregat Master Plan are Begues, Cervelló, Corbera de Llobregat, Gavà, La Palma de Cervelló, Pallejà, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sant Climent de Llobregat, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Torrelles de Llobregat, Vallirana and Viladecans (Baix Llobregat), along with Olesa de Bonesvalls (Alt Penedès), which cover a total of 12,082 hectares.

      Even though the AMB does not participate directly in managing this space, the second call for applications for the 2016-2019 Action Programme in Natural and Urban Landscapes (PSG) approved a total of 10 projects associated with the installation of heat networks by forest biomass and livestock activity for forest management, both framed within the strategies of the Master Plan.

      Metropolitan Action Plan (PAM) 2016-2019
      AMB. Green infrastructure
    • Actions in natural and urban landscapes
      The Action Programme in Natural and Urban Landscapes (PSG), which has been earmarked 15 million euros, is targeted at investing in the metropolitan river areas, recovering degraded zones, integrating infrastructures and carrying out forest management with energy and farming recovery.

      Natural and urban landscapes should not be considered two separate realities but instead as two complementary areas with synergies. They are assets which have to interact so that the metropolitan region can be consolidated as a space of social use or an economic centre with quality landscape and environment which is capable of attracting the best opportunities. It should be an activity centre that enables the metropolitan public spaces that foster people's quality of life, health and social equity to be conserved and enhanced.

      In the period 2015-2019, a total of 44 actions grouped into the following categories were integrated into the PSG investment programme:

      • 21 actions in river areas of the Llobregat, Ripoll and Besòs Rivers
      • 6 actions to recover degraded zones
      • 5 actions to integrate infrastructures
      • 12 actions in forest management projects
      ll these actions fell within the 27 metropolitan municipalities. 
    • Maintenance
      The recovery of river spaces entails the management of complex spaces where infrastructures, services, natural spaces and free-time activities coexist. The AMB has continued to undertake regeneration actions of the spaces of the Llobregat and Besòs Rivers with the goal of guaranteeing their environmental functions and their availability for citizens as spaces of natural, heritage and free-time values. The Llobregat and Besòs Rivers have been the subject of different recovery solutions.

      The network of metropolitan streams and rivers plays an essential role within the green infrastructure. The AMB carries out actions to improve the hydrological network and environmental and social recovery by reintegrating these spaces into the geography of the metropolitan cities.
      • Llobregat River
      The AMB has been intervening in the management of the Llobregat River since 2006, focusing on maintaining the existing plantations as well as the main trails, with a budget of approximately €520,000 for this mandate. In this way, the river has ceased being a marginal periurban space and instead become a space that structures the metropolitan area and welcomes more than 2.4 million visitors per year.

      During the period 2015-2019, in addition to its constant maintenance activities, different actions were undertaken, such as the creation of a floodable river crossing between the townships of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Molins de Rei; the continuation of the riverfront regeneration in the township of Sant Vicenç dels Horts; and the accesses to the urban nuclei of Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Molins de Rei.

      With a budget of approximately €746,000, this is a good example of an action framed within the overall strategy of environmental recovery and promotion of societal use of the Llobregat River. Furthermore, the connection between the three urban nuclei by foot and on bicycle fosters a shift in habits towards sustainable mobility, as AMB and the three town halls are promoting.

      This floodable walkway thus becomes part of the network of river paths, which stretches more than 30 km long along the entire Llobregat River and is shaping the concept of the metropolitan green infrastructure.

      These actions are complemented by awareness-raising actions among citizens by issuing publications and teaching materials, as well as by organising environmental education and enjoyment activities in conjunction with the municipalities.

      • Besòs River and Ripoll River

      During this mandate, the AMB's Infrastructure Service has consolidated its action in the Besòs and Ripoll River basins and reinforced its action in such an important spaces within the metropolitan area as the Llobregat, in terms of both its environmental and social dimension and its regional dimension.

      The intervention in the Ripoll River is being undertaken within a project that is methodologically similar to the project in the Llobregat River.

      The other major action is the project to improve accessibility and to open the riverbed of the Besòs River in the town of Montcada i Reixac for public enjoyment, which combines social and environmental functions such as water purification and river plantations within a relatively small area. This action entailed a major transformation of the Besòs River Metropolitan Park, which was already well consolidated yet did not include access to the river from this town.

      Parks, beaches and rivers 
    • Planning

      The planning of the green infrastructure starts with a global vision of the system of metropolitan open spaces which seeks to maximise ecosystem services, foster the agro-forest mosaic and seek nature-based solutions. The projects undertaken include the drafting of the urban and environmental planning instruments and the support of the AMB's International Area in relation to European projects in this sphere.

      Planning instruments

      • Drawing up the Special Plan to Protect the Environment and Landscape of the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola [PEPNat]. The plan was drawn up in connection with the Urban Planning and in accordance with the inter-administrative agreement among the following administrations: Government of Catalonia, Barcelona Provincial Council, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, town halls of the municipalities whose townships fall within the park and the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola Consortium. The park measures 8,170 hectares in area.
      The need to revise the 1987 Special Plan in force emerged from the declaration of the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola in 2010. The new plan is grounded upon the ecological strategy as the prime cross-cutting feature of the park model and is organised into six thematic areas: ecological values, natural resources, public use, built heritage, infrastructures and services and functional space.

      Special Plan to Protect the Environment and Landscape of the Parc Natural de la Serra de Collserola [PEPNat]

      The tentative plan was approved on 27 January 2015 and the initial approval came on 24 July 2018.
      • Development of the programme to participate in the PEPNat (in connection with the Technical Management Office).
      In the second phase, the information on the draft plan was made public from 16 February to 18 May 2015. A total of 839 suggestions were received from the three participation channels. In the third phase, the public was informed of the initially approved document from 9 August 2018 to 10 January 2019. This phase included more than 5 participation channels, 15 in-person sessions with an average of 30 people per session, 35 in-person technical consultations and 136 statements.

      European projects (in connection with the AMB's International Area)

      • NATURVATION 2017
      Four-year project financed by the European commission: the AMB's representation on the Advisory Council for Nature-Based Urban Innovation.

      • HORIZON 2020 – SC5-13-2018
      Strengthening International Cooperation on Sustainable Urbanizations – Nature-Based Solutions for Restoration and Rehabilitation of Urban Ecosystems

      • 4th Call for Proposals Urban Innovative Actions [UIA ] 2019
      NB Planning. Barcelona Metropolitan Nature Based Planning
  • Barcelona ring roads
    Maintenance and improvement of a basic infrastructure for metropolitan mobility

    Law 31/2010 on the Barcelona Metropolitan Area assigns the AMB the management of the Barcelona ring roads, an essential infrastructure for the mobility of goods and people around the region. The AMB has been responsible for the management, conservation and ordinary maintenance of the ring roads since 1 January 2012.

    Metropolitan infrastructures. The ring roads 
    • Scope
      The scope of the ring road maintenance encompasses the Ronda de Dalt (B-20 and C-32) and the Ronda Litoral (B-10).

      Along with the maintenance of the ring roads, the AMB has also undertaken the maintenance of Gran Via Nord from Plaça de les Glòries to the township of Sant Adrià de Besòs.
    • Maintenance
      During the period 2015-2019, the following maintenance was performed:

      • Roadway monitoring and administration
      • Conservation and rehabilitation of the road pavement
      • Drainage and monitoring of the sewers
      • Tree maintenance 
      • Maintenance and cleaning of embankments
      • Noad cleaning
      • Replacement of signage and beacon elements
      • Winter roadway administration 
      • Maintenance of installations: lighting, ventilation, pumping wells and roadside assistance posts
      The total amount earmarked over these four years is 35.4 million euros, including items like electrical supply, studies, projects and improvements.

      The most significant figures include: 145,000 square metres of road pavement were renovated; the electrical consumption was 66 MWh; the roadside assistance equipment travelled 560,000 km; 60,000 checks of tunnel installations were made; and 660 hectares of parterres were mowed and cleaned.
    • Subsidised actions
      During the period 2015-2019, the following subsidised actions were undertaken:

      • 3-D surveying

      This project sets out to make a 3-D geometric description of the ring roads with geographic precision using scanning techniques with laser technology. This survey includes the different structural elements and an update of the inventory of installations currently managed for maintenance purposes.

      It was financed by the INMAB programme ("Interconnection of networks, port, airport and optimal traffic management in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, node in the European Mediterranean corridor"), thanks to a European Union subsidy granted to the Barcelona Town Hall as part of the TEN-T programme to support transnational transport networks, which seeks to improve the mobility of goods and passengers in the EU.
      • Renovation of outdoor lighting with LED
      On 3 September 2018, the IDAE (Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings) reported that it granted a subsidy to renovate the outdoor lighting on the ring roads with LEDs (not including the tunnels). The amount of the subsidy is €1,498,000, which was granted as an interest-free 10-year loan. The corresponding projects have been drawn up.
      • Renovation of the lighting in the tunnels on the ring roads with LEDs 
      A subsidy was awarded for 50 % of the action to renovate the lighting in the ring road tunnels. The total forecasted budget is €11,405,153.71 plus VAT. The corresponding projects have been drawn up. 
  • Industrial Estate Improvement Plan
    The Programme to Improve the Infrastructures and Competitiveness of Industrial Estates and Economic Activity Areas of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) is a programme framed within the Metropolitan Plan to Support Town Halls, Stimulate Economic Activity and Improve Quality of Life. It encompasses three more programmes: support for municipal housing companies, support for municipalities to finance the expropriation of green areas and municipal facilities, and support for building rehabilitation and neighbourhood improvement.

    This programme, which had two calls for applications, establishes a line of subsidies earmarked a total of 30 million euros which are geared at fostering actions that promote the competitiveness and dynamisation of the industrial estates and economic activity areas in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, as well as creating jobs. The first call for applications, which started in the period 2014-2015, was allocated a total of 10 million euros, and in light of the success of participation in that programme, the AMB opened a second call for applications, which started in the period 2015-2016, with a total budget of 20 million euros.

    An economic impact of more than 47 million euros

    The AMB subsidises up to 70 % – up to a maximum of €1,500,000 – of the projects chosen, which were submitted from both public and private initiative. The economic impact of the programme surpasses 47 million euros, of which the AMB financed €30M, as the budget of the metropolitan area is joined by the investments made by the different town halls and private actors.

    The reality of the different economic areas located within the municipalities in the metropolitan area of Barcelona is diverse and complex, but this programme was primarily focused on updating the industrial estates which had serious structural shortcomings and, on a smaller scale, improving the energy efficiency of the industries located in these estates.

    In this sense, four categories of projects are planned, by type:

    • Projects which enable metropolitan industries to achieve greater energy efficiency through the use of alternative energy sources, the reuse of water, public lighting and the implementation of ICT.
    • Improvements in the urbanisation of the industrial estates and economic activity areas with the creation of new service infrastructures.
    • Rehabilitation of buildings and industrial warehouses.
    • Measures aimed at improving the mobility and accessibility, such as replacing informative signage.
    The AMB evaluated around 200 applications submitted in the two calls, 109 of which met the conditions and were awarded the subsidy. Of this total number of subsidies awarded, approximately half (49 %) were requested by private companies in conjunction with the town halls, while 40 % of the remaining projects were submitted by town halls and the remaining 11 % by joint ventures.

    The first type of action approved in terms of the economic amount of the investment is energy efficiency, with 23.8 million euros of total investment generated. Urbanisation and service infrastructure actions followed with 12.6 million euros. Third were actions to improve mobility and accessibility, with 6.3 million. And finally, actions associated with building refurbishments accounted for 4.3 million euros.

    Metropolitan productive map

    The metropolitan productive map can be divided into five major areas, each with its own particularities and therefore specific needs.

    • Delta del Llobregat area
    This area has been paradigmatic within the programme in terms of public-private cooperation. Almost all the projects have been aimed at improving energy efficiency, with innovative actions such as developing the heating and cooling infrastructures of the buildings, as well as the use of electric vehicles, among others. The investment generated will be 16.1 million euros.

    • Llobregat Corridor area

    This area has focused on projects to reurbanise the industrial estates which had become archaic over the years and showed major shortcomings, with reurbanisation actions and street asphalting, building refurbishment and service updates. The investment generated will be 10.2 million euros.

    • Besòs Axis area

    The Besòs Axis area has concentrated the projects to renovate out-of-date estates with an emphasis on improving accessibility, which should have major repercussions on mobility in the area. The investment generated will be 9.4 million euros.

    • B-30 area
    The projects that emerged in this area particularly focused on improving the sustainable mobility of the economic activity areas with the creation of new bicycle lanes and car parks that help users leave their car and move about pollution-free inside the estates. It also included business projects associated with improving energy efficiency. The investment generated will be 5.5 million euros.

    • C-32 area

    Municipal projects to renovate and make general improvements in estates and service infrastructures, as well as projects from private initiative associated with improving energy efficiency. The investment generated will be 5.9 million euros.

    At this time, with the first call for applications of the programme almost finished and near the final stretch of the second call, it is now possible to positively evaluate the effectiveness of the Programme to Improve the Infrastructures and Competitiveness of Industrial Estates and Economic Activity Areas which the AMB initiated at the beginning of the mandate.

    Almost all the projects that received subsidies in the first call for applications are finished, as are some of the projects from the second call, only a handful of which are still underway. We can state that almost 96 % of the projects subsidised were successfully brought to fruition, an indicator which shows the incredible dynamisation process that the metropolitan community has experienced in its municipalities.

    Programme to Improve the Infrastructures and Competitiveness of Industrial Estates and Economic Activity Areas in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area
  • Dissemination
    The AMB organised the show "Metròpolis Verda" (Green Metropolitan Area, 2007) with the goal of sharing and raising citizen awareness of the relationship between city and nature. The exhibition showed the diversity of these open metropolitan spaces and explored 16 challenges facing metropolitan areas that seek to be more accessible, healthy and ultimately inhabitable regions.


    Planned as a travelling exhibition, in the first few months it was on display in the Espai Mercè Sala in the Diagonal underground stop in Barcelona, and in Cornellà and in Gavà. It welcomed more than 13,000 visitors and had around 1,000 participants who shared their wishes, proposals and ideas for the Green Metropolitan Area of the future.

    Organisation of international forums and workshops

    • European Forum on Urban Forests [EFUF]: "Urban Forest Boundaries: Within, between and beyond the city", Barcelona, 31 May - 2 June 2017
    • Conference on "Greening for Change". European Green Leaf Award 2019, Cornellà de Llobregat, 7 - 8 February 2019

    European projects (in connection with the International Area)

    • MADRE Project
    MADRE (Metropolitan Agriculture for Developing an Innovative, Sustainable and Responsible Economy) is a project that depends on the Interreg MED Modular programme on capitalisation, which revolves around promoting the innovative capacities of the Mediterranean regions (MED) on behalf of smart, sustainable growth (the Interreg MED programme encompasses 13 European countries on the northern shores of the Mediterranean and carries out initiatives in favour of the sustainable growth of the region).

    In order to foster a change process in the food supply model, the project takes advantage of the broad range of scholarly knowledge, actions and pilot policies, along with networks and transnational cooperation in order to enable metropolitan periurban agriculture to reach a critical level in the MED area. An in-depth analysis of the materials available will lay the groundwork for empowering the parties interested in this kind of agriculture and later establishing a formal commitment to initiate a transnational grouping process.

    The MADRE project establishes different metropolitan working groups in each region involved, namely Thessaloniki, Tirana, Bologna, Marseille, Montpellier and Barcelona, with the goal of analysing the status of urban and periurban agriculture in the metropolitan areas with the participation of representatives of the quadruple helix: local administrations, producers, members of academia, consumers and civil society. 

    Starting next autumn, the analysis resulting from the actions of these working groups will be used to set the transnational debate to define the policy recommendations for the Euro-Mediterranean region.

    On 24 July, the Governing Board approved adhesion to the Policy Paper memo and acceptance of its recommendations.

    This European project has been used to exchange experiences in urban and periurban agriculture with particular attention to the transitional spaces between the city and countryside and the implementation of pilot projects in these regions managed by citizens and non-profit institutions.

    The AMB has participated by building subsidised and community gardens on the urban edges of Sant Boi de Llobregat, which will be managed by the Fundació Marianao, an entity with roots in the neighbourhood that works on behalf of social inclusion, along with the participation of other local associations and NGOs.

    SIDIG MED is a European project of the ENPI CBCMED programme among cities and metropolitan areas on the southern and northern shores of the Mediterranean. Its members are: the Royal Botanic Garden of Tell Ar-Rumman (Jordan), the Ministry of Agriculture of Al-Balga (Jordan), Mahdia (Tunisia), Rome and the AMB via the Directorate of Infrastructures, the International Area and the MedCities network.

    The SIDIG MED project got underway in 2013 and ended in April 2016, with a total budget of €1,998,646.60. On 12 March 2017, the Can Pinyol subsidised gardens in Sant Boi de Llobregat were officially opened, the culmination of the SIDIG MED pilot project in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.

    Participation in international conferences:

    • "A New Plan for Collserola Natural Park: Ecological Strategy" Bridging the Science-Practice-Policy Gaps in Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection. MED Biodiversity Protection Community. Barcelona, 23-24 October 2017
    • "Infrastructures Service" Transnational Working Group Meeting of the Interreg MED MADRE. Montpellier, 24 January 2018
    • "A Multicriteria Tool for the Strategic Planning, Management and Monitoring of the Collserola Park" EFUF European Forum on Urban Forestry. Helsinki and Vantaa, 18 May 2018 
    • "Barcelona Green Metropolis: ecology, leisure and production", Biocities Forum: Forests Transforming Urban Living. Smart City Expo Barcelona, 14 November 2018 
    Presence in international Master's degree programmes 

    • "Environment and Landscape Protection Plan: Serra de Collserola Natural Park", Vrije Universiteit (Brussel·les). AMB, 21 March 2016
    • "Green Metropolitan Infrastructure: The Collserola Park" EMiLA SummerWorkshop: Seedingscapes, European Masters in Landscape Architecture. Barcelona, 3 October 2016
    • "The Collserola Park: Urban Forest Boundaries", Tsinghua University (Pequín). AMB, 20 November 2017
    • "Barcelona Green Metropolis: Ecology, Leisure and Production" Tsinghua University. Beijing, 7 December 2018

    MADRE Project

    EFUF. European Forum on Urban Forestry
    Biocities Forum